🎉ExportX 2.0.0 released | Compression speed increased by 5 times!

In version 1.x, the compression service was provided by the server, resulting in long waiting times for users. In version 2.0, the compression service no longer relies on the server but instead uses WebAssembly compression locally.

New Features

  • Image compression now utilizes WebAssembly for faster compression speeds.
  • No longer reliant on server-side compression, ensuring user privacy.
  • Enhanced PNG compression quality, with specific optimizations for gradient backgrounds.
  • Improved user interface for easier navigation.

Exploring Compression Speed

After multiple tests, the compression time for a single image is approximately 1 second (PNG format, < 1MB).

This significant improvement is attributed to the use of WebAssembly to encapsulate the compression library, enabling all compression operations to be executed locally without the time-consuming process of uploading and downloading data over the network.

UI Enhancements

We have optimized the interface for batch compression, making it more user-friendly and intuitive. Each image can be individually downloaded, and batch downloading to your local device is also supported.

UI Screenshot

If you have any further suggestions, feel free to contact us.

Have a great